Solomon Islands hosts REnew Pacific’s regional launch event

On Monday, we were thrilled to officially launch our first REnew Pacific grant round and announce our first project at a special event in Honiara, Solomon Islands.

REnew Pacific is the Australian Government’s new $75 million investment in off-grid renewable energy solutions to rural and remote communities across the Pacific and Timor-Leste.

We would especially like to thank the Australian High Commissioner for Solomon Islands, H.E. Mr Rod Hilton and the Hon. Bradley Tovosia, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification for joining us to mark these major milestones at the event, and Sister Daly from Good Samaritan Hospital for the opening prayer.

A special thank you to Gavin Periera and Tapera Bird from Superfly, a Solomon Islands-based solar energy company, for sharing insights about REnew Pacific’s first project. This project will provide clean, renewable energy to power healthcare, education and essential services, benefitting over 81,000 people across Solomon Islands’ Malaita, Western, and Isabel Provinces. Thanks too to from the BPP’s Grid Renewable Energy Partnerships – our pilot partnerships – who shared how clean, renewable energy had transformed their local communities.

Find out more about the partnership here.

📸 Check out the photos from the event below.

Got a great idea to bring off-grid renewable energy to remote communities across the Pacific and Timor-Leste, like this project?

If you’re a business, NGO, community organisation, academic institution or government agency that operates in the Pacific or Timor-Leste, or has a partner that’s based in the region, REnew Pacific wants to hear from you!

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